My first rant, on Google...
So, since my account was moved from Blogger to Google, that seems like as good a place to start as any.
First, Google is definitely taking over the online world. But, is that a bad thing?
Well, as a critic of corporations and conglomerates, I tend to want to say yes, but Google seems different for some reason. They seem to care about the input of their customers and they seem to treat their workers well (Walmart, are you listening???). So, maybe it is not a bad thing, they are definitely good at what they do but that is not enough, they need to be about more than the bottom line and, from early indications, it seems they are! So, if that is true and it is not just a clever facade, I say good for you Google. If they are just pulling the wool over our eyes with a great marketing strategy, we will find out soon enough...and if Walmart if any indication, absolutely nothing will change except some lawsuits and an occasional insult from the media and the academy.
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